Learn How You Can Partner With Me & Successfully Copy My Part Time Business...

...even if you've never made a dime online before!

*email your receipt to saurabh@saurabhgopal.net and the email you'd like your bonuses sent to

Here Are Your G100 ($100 Level) Bonuses...​

I’m all about adding a ton of value for people who put their trust in me as their mentor! Join me in Exitus Elite and receive the following features and bonuses:

Personal Mentorship

If you are willing to put in the work, I am willing to work side by side with you to help you create a successful online business.

Facebook Lead Generation Program

Access to our Flagship Facebook Lead Generation Program(30 days Challenge to $1000).

30 Short Facebook Post

Ready to use written short post that gets massive engagement.

YouTube Mini Course

Get Access to my YouTube Mini Course to learn everything about creating and growing a YouTube Channel.

Create Your Own Products

Training on How to reuse the trainings from Genesis library and create your own products which you can sell or giveaway as bonuses.

Facebook Content Planner

Planner that will help you to plan and schedule your FB content for your wall or group weeks in advance.

Here Are Your G250 ($250 Level) Bonuses...

You'll receive everything above including...

Messenger Closing Script

Proven Messenger Closing script which you can use to communicate with your prospects.

The Growth Mindset Training

Your success starts with a mindset designed for success.

Daily Method of Operation(DMO)

Copy my exact Daily Method of Operation which has helped me to build multiple streams of business.

Follow Up Email Series

Leverage my success to use inside your own marketing. I’ve got 10 email follow ups ready to deploy instantly inside of your business.

List Building Training

Learn how to build a list in your business which is your evergreen asset.

How to Write Headlines That Sell

Learn how to write effective headlines for your Sales funnels, webpages, videos.

Here Are Your G500 ($500 Level) Bonuses...

You'll receive everything above including...

Relicense My Bonuses

Relicense My Bonuses To Build Your Exitus Business. Yes! This is most valuable asset of them all. Relicense THIS very bonus page along with my bonuses and pass them off as your own.

Private Facebook Group Access

They say your success is determined by the 5 closest people you hang around. This group is dedicated to helping you level up your game by getting around people that want to see you succeed (and that have already done it!).

Weekly Live Calls

Every week I go live inside our private facebook group and answer your most pressing questions live!

Sales Funnel Mastery

Learn everything about Sales Funnels and how it can help you in your business.

Here Are Your G1000 ($1000 Level) Bonuses...

You'll receive everything above including...

Millionaire Mentoring

Get Access to millionaire mentoring training from Darren Little.

High Ticket Business Overview and Profile Monetization

Learn how to monetize your Facebook profile to generate unlimited leads without paying for any ads.

Personal Branding and Story Telling

Learn the art of story telling to connect better with your audience.

High Ticket Content Formula

Content formula of Champions. Learn how to create content to attract your ideal client.

How to Sell with Facebook Lives

Learn how to sell any product just by using Facebook lives.

Complete Business Roadmap for 2020

I will craft your customized business roadmap for success in 2020 and beyond.

Amazing Testimonials